Reclaimed Granite Products

Reclaimed Granite Products

While our calendars say that we still have another 6-7 weeks to go until the official start of Spring… Based upon the level of activity at our yard, almost daily, one would think that the remainder of winter has been cancelled. Contractors, architects and builders alike have been coming in …

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Olde New England Granite Reclaimed Granite Chopped Wall / Veneer Material

Olde New England Granite reclaimed granite chopped one man wall block/veneer material Hydraulically split 4”-6” deep x variable size Reclaimed weathered granite Chelmsford, Kitledge, Inland grain Greys and Browns Multiple uses such as: Foundation Veneer Wall Building Patios, Walkways and Aprons Edging and Banding Solution Sold loose or palletized.


Happy Holidays!

At the Holiday Season, our thoughts turn gratefully to those who have made our progress possible.  It is in this spirit we say… Thank You and Best Wishes for the Holidays and a Happy New Year.    


Holiday Gift Ideas

Lamp posts, mailbox posts, cobblestones, benches, a wide array of garden features – sundials, troughs, bird baths, fire pits-of all sizes, lighthouses, planters and unique ornaments to adorn that special garden or patio with a focal “signature” piece. Give the gift that lasts forever.


Remembering “Ace” Bailey


One would expect that in the fifty years or so of being in business, we’d have the opportunity to encounter many characters… and people with CHARACTER. GARNET “ACE” BAILEY was of the latter, although some could make the point that he could, at times, be a bit of a “character.” …

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50th Year Celebration

Click on link to read about our 50th celebration Lynnfield Brothers Celebrate 50 Years in Business


Bushels of Baseballs OR Political Rightness in a by-gone era

The recent passing of our dear family friend and devoted “Lynnfield-ite”, Warren Mason, (third from left – front row) invoked a recollection of the infamous “bushels of baseballs” story of some 40 years ago… in an era when common sense prevailed in decision making. In 1973, the sponsorship and general …

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