Category Archives: Reed Corp/ONEG History
Happy Holidays!
Remembering “Ace” Bailey
Charlie Meeker – and “Settling the Score or What Comes Around Goes Around”
Bushels of Baseballs OR Political Rightness in a by-gone era

The recent passing of our dear family friend and devoted “Lynnfield-ite”, Warren Mason, (third from left – front row) invoked a recollection of the infamous “bushels of baseballs” story of some 40 years ago… in an era when common sense prevailed in decision making. In 1973, the sponsorship and general …
Moonlighting in the Postal Business or Trenches… Hand Dug
Lesser Park

Through the years, The Reed Family – with the assistance of The Reed Corporation has been involved with numerous civic endeavors in Lynnfield… hosting “Town Days” on their property and organizing events to raise funds for school programs to name a few. Lesser Park, named for Robert G. “Coach” Lesser …
Reaping What You Sow (sometimes)

Fifty years ago the landscaper’s scene in Lynnfield was vastly different then it is today. Most, if not all, of the major players are gone now but, in their heyday, the likes of George DeCoste, Ed Patterson, and Nick Valente had quality “operations.” Jerry Pezzella (upon graduating from Stockbridge) had …
Honing Our Professional Skills… Tutorials from a Master

During the fifty some years of business experience we have certainly encountered our share of larger-than-life personalities – who left a lasting impression. This is the first of a series of anecdotal musings recalling some of these people. Patrick “Pat” DiPietro was one-of-a-kind… charismatic, confident, passionate, creative and multi-talented. A …